The mess of the leadership of the Third Pole and the betrayed example of the DC

The mess of the leadership of the Third Pole and the betrayed example of the DC


The surreal story of Action and Italia viva testifies once again to the fragility of the Italian political system for 30 years now. The friendship that binds us to each of the two protagonists and to many of their parliamentarians does not prevent us from giving a politically harsh judgment of an adventure whose outcome was moreover largely predictable. Maybe it’s time to ask everyone, starting with Calenda and Renzi, a few simple questions. Is it so difficult to imagine the construction of a collegial party in which the leaderships are multiple and contestable? What kind of leadership are those that transform themselves into statutory personalities by banning any democratic practice in their own internal life? And what kind of party is there in which there is only one leader in an electoral system in which parliamentarians are not voted because the lists are blocked and the personalistic management of the top organizes the composition of the lists according to the criterion of loyalty, thus opening up the does it lead to a courtly selection of the ruling class rather than favoring a Darwinian one? And what party is it in which a reference culture is so faded in name and in deeds that it leaves room only for personal management?

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