The Melonian leadership is one step away from a turning point: from the season of ambitions to that of frustrations

The Melonian leadership is one step away from a turning point: from the season of ambitions to that of frustrations


Eight months have passed since the birth of the executive headed by Giorgia Meloni but the posture adopted in recent weeks by the majority is the one that usually begins to be appreciated when the legislatures are hopelessly running out. It’s not an early summer climate: it’s an early floating climate. And when a government starts to float, that is, when a government finds itself struggling with the daily grind, the risk of passing from the season of great ambitions to that of great frustrations is real and concrete. And it is the risk facing the Meloni government today. Having consistently removed part of one’s past, through inconsistencies and abjurations, is a virtuous trait of Melonian leadership. But the attempt to build a new identity of the Italian right, capable of projecting itself towards the future, of emancipating itself from the populist past, of writing a different story from the bankruptcy one displayed by the nationalist international, is an attempt that is not working at the moment . Net of propaganda, the Melonian right had chosen to bet on six crucial battles, capable of highlighting the characteristics of a new conservative season.

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