The Meloni-Pd-FI-centrist shadow majority united against Putin

The Meloni-Pd-FI-centrist shadow majority united against Putin


The Italian political system bipolarized in the imperfect way that we know is perfectly divided on the foreign policy and security, with war just around the corner. It splits up Putin and theUkraine. L’Europe as a political dimension, the extraordinary investments of the Union plan, the appointments that count and the management of the great apparatuses in which the state is a decisive part are all things that depend on this fixed star, they are subordinate variables. Melons and the Pd of Schleinwith the addition of the central pole area Renzi-Calenda and of Come on Italy, are the basis on which this strategic pillar is built, foreign affairs and defence. The rest, Conte’s grillini, Salvini’s League, the radical movementist left, is precisely a political residue alongside the strategic substance of the government and the opposition. There may be oscillations of tones, sensitivity to the ambivalent position of the Church of Bergoglio and of more or less influential Catholic sectors, and the words of peace in praise of diplomacy are not denied to anyone, formally, but the military supplies to the attacked, the sanctions on the aggressor, the coordination of decisions within NATO and the European Union, even the relationship being rewritten with China on the Silk Road, all this is the foundation of the system for today and for the foreseeable future, European elections and new Strasbourg majorities included.

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