The ghosts of Meloni: FI without a guide, Renzi’s moves, the grain Mes

The ghosts of Meloni: FI without a guide, Renzi's moves, the grain Mes


At least they brought her back from Paris this time. On the Def, in fact, the majority went under while the premier was crossing the door of number 10 Downing Street to meet Rishi Sunak. Yesterday Giorgia Meloni did not even have time to metabolize the “excellent bilateral” with Macron, and to tune in to the arrival of Lula, who was hit by a wave of problems with the majority of her. In the space of a few hours, troubles, worries and ghosts knocked on Palazzo Chigi. The ratification of the Mes, the doubts about Giancarlo Giorgetti and the troubles of the League, the parliamentary estate of Forza Italia orphaned by Silvio Berlusconi and the signals of Matteo Renzi. For the first time in seven months the governing and majority planets appear misaligned.

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