“Schlein is right to do as he does,” says the dem Francesco Boccia. Prairies in the center?

“Schlein is right to do as he does,” says the dem Francesco Boccia.  Prairies in the center?


The leader of the Democratic Party in the Senate: “We can place ourselves as the driving force of the progressive camp. A path can be shared on some values, but there will be time until 2027. We reason for a limitation on abuse of office”

There is Elly Schlein, Pd secretary, who says “we are here to stay” and quotes Diodato (“make noise”, she said in the management, to accompany the launch of the militant summer, and talk about “what is good for us” instead of closing “in an unnatural silence). And there are Elly Schlein’s internal and external critics, among the centre-left moderates, who warn: be careful not to give the right fundamental battles, from growth to justice (the Pd mayors welcomed Carlo Nordio’s intervention on the abuse of office), and attentive to ambiguities on Ukraine, M5s (no chases) and rights (not to tighten up on divisive issues). Road map Schleinian for a movementist Pd in ​​hand, are we aware of the consequences, for example regarding a future swelling of a moderate centre? The dem group leader in the Senate and former minister Francesco Boccia has no doubts: the path is the right one, the Europeans are the first objective “and there is not all this hurry to do the accounting of future allies”.

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