The fight between Meloni and Brussels ignites on the Court of Auditors. The breathlessness on the Pnrr is growing

The fight between Meloni and Brussels ignites on the Court of Auditors.  The breathlessness on the Pnrr is growing


The Commission expresses reservations on the repeal of the concurrent control of the accounting magistrates on the Recovery. The legal unknowns and the nervousness of Palazzo Chigi, which he replies with a resentful note. The tension is now all political. And for the government there is a risk of self-harm

The dreaded dispatch has finally arrived. Not that this necessarily marks the start of hostilities, also because “here in Brussels we do not express ourselves on measures currently being approved”. However, if on Wednesday evening, in the act of giving his imprimatur to the amendment which limits the powers of control of the Court of Auditors on the Pnrr, Raffaele Fitto replied with exhibited self-confidence to those who asked him if there was no risk of irritating the Commission European Union, confirmation arrived on Thursday that yes, there will be some tension. Not on the merits of the decision, perhaps. No one, not even among the most catastrophic of the Italian diplomats who till the bumpy path between Rome and Brussels, dares to risk a rejection by Ursula von der Leyen’s technicians. If anything, and here is the crux, the choice adopted by the government with the supposed aim of simplifying the implementation of the Pnrr could, paradoxically, end up complicating it.

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