The embarrassment of Delmastro (FdI) and Bongiorno (Lega) for Nordio’s statements

The embarrassment of Delmastro (FdI) and Bongiorno (Lega) for Nordio's statements


The guarantors like the words and intentions of the Keeper of the Seals but agitate the majority. “Woe to cancel the interceptions,” says the Northern League Bongiorno. And Undersecretary Delmastro would also like to use them for “embezzlement and extortion”

Talking about rifts or tensions is perhaps (at the moment) exaggerated. But the light came on. Some embarrassment, within the majority, the words of the Minister of Justice on wiretapping has aroused. Carlo Nordio would like to limit its use and above all eliminate any abuse. Intentions that are based in the Constitution and have been appreciated by many inside and outside Parliament. But which, almost paradoxically, met with a tepid reaction from those who, in via Arenula, wanted Nordio to have it.

Thus, while the Cav. he let it leak that “even if we had had to choose him, we would not have been able to find this champion of guaranteeism”, here comes the distinctions, the buts, the clarifications from the Brothers of Italy and the League. Those of Julia Bongiorno – which has also launched a fact-finding investigation in the Senate on the subject of telephone checks – for example: “Woe to cancel the interceptions. The contribution provided in the capture of Messina Denaro, for example, is indisputable”, said the lawyer who is a heavy face of Carroccio, as well as being the reference on justice issues. As if to underline, once again, the recklessness of certain statements – “Mafiosi don’t talk on the phone”, said Minister Nordio before correcting the shot. To La Repubblica, the Northern League underlined “that wiretapping is indispensable. It is undeniable”; and that even corruption, “is a serious crime for which use cannot be excluded”.

It went even further Nicholas DelmastroUndersecretary of Justice, who speaking of the so-called spy crimes he broadened the field: not only corruption, “but also extortion and embezzlement”. Charges against which the possibility of investigation must be safeguarded. “We will never deprive magistrates of the greatest evidence-finding tool in the fight against organized crime and the mafias”, she assured in an interview with Corriere.

Delmastro is also responsible for Justice of the Brothers of Italy, in short, his words take on a certain specific weight, as well as indicating some stakes that Nordio will have to consider in view of the next legislative intervention. The one in which the distortion of those crimes for which, without a lawsuit, after the Cartabia reform, it is impossible to proceed should also be corrected. Provisions on which relations with the Antimafia are also played out, which did not like too much the releases of the Keeper of Seals and with which – they agree among the benches of the government – it is not the case to make enemies precisely in the week in which the last great was captured fugitive.

As for the instrument through which to bring justice to bear, Palazzo Chigi had initially thought of an urgent decree. Instead we will proceed – as Nordio himself apparently wanted but not the Brothers of Italy – through a bill, which has a longer time frame and therefore a greater possibility of discussion in Parliament. With all the implications of the case. To say the least, it is easier for Forza Italia to find affinity in the Third Pole than in the other majority parties to which it belongs. Without forgetting the ratification of the Mes or autonomy, other issues on which the government is struggling to find the square and which could also be affected by the reflections on justice. Meanwhile Nordio seems willing to go ahead with wiretapping, “I’ll change things or I’ll resign” he said just a few weeks ago. A threat that could return in the next few days.


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