The Democratic Party splits in Europe on the EU plan on ammunition and weapons for Ukraine

The Democratic Party splits in Europe on the EU plan on ammunition and weapons for Ukraine


In the vote in Brussels on the Asap bill, the dem group ends up in a thousand pieces: eight vote in favor and six abstain, in the middle there are also those who are wrong. Emery votes against: “The area of ​​dissent is growing”

The Democratic Party implodes in Europe on the ASAP bill for the production of arms and ammunition for Ukraine. The group ends up in a thousand pieces. Eight of them vote in favor of the measure, led by the group leader Brando Benifei (the others yes are those of Rondinelli, Tinagli, Picierno, Covassi, De Castro and Bresso). Six abstainers (Laureti, Bartolo, Toia, Variati and Roberti and Moretti, even if the latter says she was wrong and declared that she is in favour).

He spoke out against Massimiliano Smeriglio, elected as an independent. Who says to the sheet: “Compared to the vote a month ago the area of ​​dissent on the transformation of Pnrr funds is growing and cohesion funds in arms. A wrong act that rearms 27 armies with money for social and environmental policies without taking a step forward for the common European defense. And for the Meloni government, a blank check to change the Pnrr to your liking. We are working to reverse this outcome with the final vote on the act expected in July. The area of ​​dissent that has been expressed among the ranks of the Democratic Party is also doing well”.

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Today the European Parliament, meeting in plenary session in Brussels, approved the negotiating mandate on the ASAP regulation (Act in support of the production of ammunition). The goal is to increase the ammunition production capacity of European industry, in order to send supplies to Ukraine and strengthen the stocks of EU countries. The mandate was adopted through an emergency procedure with 446 votes in favor out of a total of 625, 67 against and 112 abstentions. All the amendments presented by the Pd and the S&D group, which asked not to use Pnrr and cohesion funds to finance the production of armaments, were rejected. (b

  • Simone Canettieri

  • Viterbese, 1982. On paper since September 2020 as editor. Eight years for the Messenger (in the news and for the politician). Even earlier in Emilia Romagna as a correspondent (between the birth of the M5s and the earthquake), in Florence as editor of the Nuovo Corriere (dealing with crime and judicial news every morning). He started in Viterbo at 19 with skating and minor football, then at 26 he got his first job. He has written for Oggi, Linkiesta, travel and gastronomy inserts. He collaborated with RadioRai, but also with local television and radio stations that never paid. Agnes 2020 Award for printed paper in Italy.


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