The delays, the unspent money from the Pnrr and the few ideas on the new loans requested

The delays, the unspent money from the Pnrr and the few ideas on the new loans requested


In the last two years, Italy has used just 73 percent of the planned resources: 2023 was supposed to be the year of acceleration to make up for delays, but for now this has not been the case. The numbers and perspectives

While the government has not yet finished the internal discussions to identify the projects to be eliminated within the Pnrr, a request for new money has already arrived from Italy. By the end of March, European countries with the intention of obtaining other loans among those provided for by the Recovery Fund had to send a request to Brussels. A notification to be confirmed officially by the end of August. Spain has filled up, with 84 billion requested (unlike Italy, in 2021 it had preferred to take charge only of subsidies), as well as Poland (23 billion) and Portugal (11 and a half).

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