The death of the Cav. marks the end of the 80s, Carlo Freccero tells us

The death of the Cav.  marks the end of the 80s, Carlo Freccero tells us


Paris. The former Italian Philosophy student who, quoting McLuhan and Debord, explained to the French the TV of the future, the boy with the rebel tuft that “His broadcaster”, Silvio Berlusconi, had chosen to direct the operations of his Parisian cathodic adventure, the hurricane of ideas and champion of the audience who spent their nights comparing data and figures because the art of television is above all a science, “the alchemist of La Cinq”, as the World, who with his anti-hero look accepted all challenges, better if impossible, such as that of making the intellectual world of Saint-Germain-des-Prés digest commercial television. It was all of this Carlo Freccero, visionary television executive and author and mass-mediologist, who from 1986 to 1990 directed the programming of La Cinq, the first private free-to-air French broadcaster, Berlusconi’s Parisian dream.

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