The clever ones of the Pnrr. Firms that have obtained “undue” (exported) funds

The clever ones of the Pnrr.  Firms that have obtained "undue" (exported) funds


“They have unduly benefited from subsidized loans or have misused the resources disbursed, frequently transferred abroad”, says the Bank of Italy’s Financial Intelligence Unit. The report concerns in particular the Digitization, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism sector

It’s not the first time that the Bank of Italy’s Financial Intelligence Unit (UIf) reports irregularities in the use of Pnrr funds. The latest survey, however, contains details on which it is worth reflecting. Perhaps because Enzo Serata, the new director of the department appointed last January on a proposal from the governor Ignazio Visco, wanted to highlight a phenomenon that Bankitalia is trying to counter with the help of the Guardia di Finanza, the General Accounting Office of the State and the ‘ANAC, the anti-corruption authority. In other words: streamlining bureaucracy is fine, but then we need to prevent the funds from the European Plan from ending up in suspicious hands or even in expatriates, which would really be a joke for Italy.

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