The clash between Fitto and Salvini ignites on the Pnrr

The clash between Fitto and Salvini ignites on the Pnrr


“The good one”, jokes one. “A boxer played,” says the other. The leader of the League and the Minister for European Affairs at the center of tensions between the League and FdI. Obviously, Recovery has something to do with it, but also the strategy of European alliances. And in the Carroccio there are those who evoke the decapitation of the Melonian

One says of the other that he is a “played boxer”. And this one, speaking of that one, calls him “the one who knows everything”. Both, however, being very careful not to mention each other explicitly. And in short, between Raffaele Fitto and Matteo Salvini it goes on like this: an unspoken duel, made up of poisonous allusions. And not from today, if it is true that the official start of hostilities between the two dates back to over two years ago, and has to do with that strategy of European alliances on which the leader of the League still continues to flounder, as demonstrates yesterday’s Carroccio Federal Council. And so perhaps it is fatal that now, on the most delicate of dossiers, that of the Pnrr, tensions risk erupting. And here, then, is explained the perfidy of the Salvinian colonel who, just outside Montecitorio, even evokes “the beheading” of Fitto.

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