The anti-fascist demonstration with Schlein and Conte starts. The M5s-Pd pact: today we are not talking about Ukraine

The anti-fascist demonstration with Schlein and Conte starts.  The M5s-Pd pact: today we are not talking about Ukraine


The procession in Florence starts after the events of the Michelangiolo high school. The grillino leader and the new dem secretary parade between the banners of the PNA and the proletarian struggle. They will meet later but without touching the most divisive topic: war. How to take refuge in history to avoid the present

From our correspondent in Florence. Giuseppe and Elly are separated by 1.3 kilometres, a slight difference in height informs us on Google Maps. The leader of the M5S, Conte, almost closes the procession between selfies, hugs and red flags from Fiom. President, it is in a painting by Guttuso. “But there are no workers”. Do you feel at ease in the midst of all this antique red? “But I’m dressed in blue,” laughs the former prime minister. We are here for the anti-fascist demonstration, between banners of the Anpi and proletarian struggle, waiting for the legendary photo of Florence or the lamprey pact, between the head of the M5s and the new secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein.

The new leader is at the head of the procession, surrounded by the mayor of Florence Dario Nardella, Giuseppe Provenzano and Alessandro Zan. The staff that now commands the Nazarene is more certain: the magic circle led by the powerful spokesman Flavio Alivernini, known as Rocco, due to certain ways already seen in Casalini times. Elly will speak in the end, Conte has already done so. They haven’t even touched at the moment, but in short he expects the photo of Florence from the new center-left. “We are 50 thousand” they shout from the procession. The news, pending this fairly important meeting, with Bella ciao bouncing in our ears, is that today there is no talk of war in Ukraine, a divisive topic for Pd and M5S. We talk about anti-fascism and that’s it. In short, red-yellow peace over war. How to take refuge in history to avoid the present.

  • Simone Canettieri

  • Viterbese, 1982. On paper since September 2020 as editor. Eight years for the Messenger (in the news and for the politician). Even earlier in Emilia Romagna as a correspondent (between the birth of the M5s and the earthquake), in Florence as editor of the Nuovo Corriere (dealing with crime and judicial news every morning). He started in Viterbo at 19 with skating and minor football, then at 26 he got his first job. He has written for Oggi, Linkiesta, travel and gastronomy inserts. He collaborated with RadioRai, but also with local television and radio stations that never paid. Agnes 2020 Award for printed paper in Italy.


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