The 13 rules to create a successful startup according to Sam Altman (the father of ChatGTP)

The 13 rules to create a successful startup according to Sam Altman (the father of ChatGTP)


I don’t care what you think of me. I don’t think about it at all”, relies on the memorable phrase of Coco Chanel, Sam Altman. Born on April 22, 1985 in Chicago but raised in Saint Louis, at just eight years old he managed to disassemble and reassemble (without any damage) his Mac that had been given to him by his dermatologist mother, Connie Gibstine. A computer science and mathematics student at Stanford University, who dropped out at the age of twenty to start his first startup Loopt, only to then sell it in 2012 for the modest sum of 43 million dollars, Altman is the GPT Chat creator, the technology that in recent months has become the protagonist for having made giant strides and radically changing the world of innovation over the last twenty years. We are talking about a generative artificial intelligence language model, but (this is the point) within everyone’s reach.

In addition to founding OpenAI, the company that developed ChatGPT, this man holds investments in over 400 companies, and in his blog he provides some tips (thirteen to be precise), which he defines real rules of life to become successful people in the long term in their career. Altman is keen to emphasize how crucial this is have self-confidence even when “they think you are out of this world” e continue to cultivate relationships with brilliant and optimistic people.

The 13 rules

The creator of ChatGTP is certain of one thing: the secret – completely against the tide – of successful startups is that it is often it’s easier to gain popularity with a difficult startup than with an easy one. According to Altman, most of the founders of an innovative company start with the dream of making a lot of money (basic success), but then end up wanting to have more and more success understood as fame for the desire to help change the world and the humanity (what he calls outstanding success). Let’s find out what are the thirteen tips that the AI ​​star provides in her blog with interesting ideas for those who want to make business creation their life.

Artificial intelligence

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1. Improve yourself (at the speed of light)

Those who aim for the maximum set themselves absolutely scalable personal and professional goals. Exponential curves are the key to wealth generation, the real one that progresses over time. Well to do that you have to improve yourself at double, triple speed. A mid-sized company that grows 50% in value every year becomes huge in a very short amount of time. Few companies in the world have these extreme scalability effects. The key to getting a fast scalable progression is encapsulated in: technology, capital, a profitable network and excellent people management. And a boundless optimism.

“Be willing to let go of small opportunities, to focus on those that will change the real pace of your life. The greatest competitive advantage, both for a company and for an individual’s career, is long-term thinking with a patient vision and (always) adding another zero to the initial figure you set for yourself”.

2. Believe (too much) in yourself

Self-confidence is immensely powerful. The most successful people I know believe in themselves almost to the point of illusion. Managing your own morale, and that of your team, is one of the biggest challenges today. And unfortunately, the more ambitious you are, the more the world will try to demolish you. Saying your ideas are crazy, inappropriate and out of this world.

“I remember when Elon Musk he took me on a tour of the SpaceX plant many years ago. He talked to me in detail about how each part of the rocket was made, but what sticks in my memory is the absolute certainty, painted on his face as he spoke, that he was going to send huge rockets to Mars. I left him thinking he was my point of reference when it comes to self-esteem and conviction”.

Artificial intelligence

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3. Think independently

Entrepreneurship is very difficult to teach because original thinking is very difficult to convey. The school is not equipped to teach entrepreneurship, in fact, it generally rewards the opposite. One of the most powerful lessons to learn is to look for solutions to problems that seem to have none.

“In my life I will be wrong many times and I will really be right only once, but it will be that right. This is the motto of entrepreneurs”.

4. Get good at selling

To learn how to be a great salesman of your ideas you need to become good at communication, especially written communication, it’s an investment worth making. The best way to be good at sales is to sincerely believe in what you are selling. Getting good at selling anything equals getting better at any other skill.

“Introduce yourself in person whenever it matters. When I started out as an entrepreneur, I was always willing to get on a plane. Often it wasn’t necessary, but this led me to turning points in my career that otherwise would have gone differently.”

5. Take risks (easily).

Most people overestimate the risk and underestimate the reward. Taking risks is important because it’s impossible to be right all the time – you have to try many things and adapt quickly as you learn more. Especially at the beginning of your career you have everything to gain. And nothing to lose.

As people get used to a comfortable life, a predictable job and a reputation for being successful in whatever they do, it becomes very difficult to leave that behind (and people have an amazing ability to match their lifestyle more and more next year’s salary).

“It’s easier to prioritize short-term profit and convenience over long-term fulfillment.”

6. Concentrate

Concentration is a force multiplier at work. It is more important to work on the right thing than to work long hours on the wrong thing. Most people waste their time on things that don’t matter.

“Once you figure out what to do, be relentless in getting your priorities done quickly. I have yet to meet a very successful, slow moving person.

7. Work hard

Extreme people get extreme results. Working a lot involves huge compromises in life and it’s normal to decide you don’t want to do it. However working hard often breeds success. And success, if you keep working hard, generates more success that lasts. But this is reserved for those who live on ambition.

“One of the great joys of life is finding your purpose, excelling at what you do, and discovering that what you are dedicated to has an impact on the world and humanity. If you can, do it young, so you’ll have more time to enjoy the benefits.”

8. Be bold

People want to be a part of something exciting and feel that their work matters. I think it’s easier to make a difficult startup than an easy one. People want to feel challenged, and want to work towards something they feel is important.

“Follow your curiosity. Things that seem exciting to you often will become exciting to others as well.”

9. Be stubborn and stubborn

People have an enormous capacity to make things happen. A big secret is that you can bend the world to your will any time you believe in it, but most people don’t even try. The combination of insecurity, giving up too soon, and not pushing the accelerator hard enough prevents most from reaching their potential.

Airbnb is my point of reference in this. There are so many episodes that tell the story of the obstacle course faced by the founders, but their stubbornness, the “fall four times and get up five” made them what they are today.

“To be stubborn, you have to be optimistic, a personality trait that can be improved with practice. I’ve never met a very successful pessimist.”

Artificial intelligence

History of OpenAI, the company founded by Musk and Altman behind the ChatGPT phenomenon

by Archangel Rociola

10. Compete high and stand out

Most people understand that the companies with the most value are the ones that are the hardest to compete with. But this also applies to you as an individual. If what you do can be done by someone else, it will eventually be done by others and even with less money.

“If you’re doing the same thing everyone else is doing, it won’t be hard to compete with you.”

11. Build a good network

Successful work requires a great team. Developing a network of talented people to work with is an essential part of a great career. Surround yourself with talented, sometimes brilliant people.

An effective way to build a good network is to help people as much as possible. If you help, that help will pay off. Doing this, over a long period of time, has led me to the best career opportunities and the best investments.

Define yourself by your strengths, not your weaknesses. Recognize your weaknesses and figure out how to dodge them, but never let them take over. And remember that the best way to compensate for your weaknesses is to hire complementary team people, instead of hiring people who are good at the same things you are good at.

“A valuable part of building a successful network is getting good at discovering undiscovered talent. Choose people of high intelligence, leadership and creativity. Keep track of who continues to impress you and who doesn’t. Finally, remember to spend your time with positive people who support your ambitions. Get away from those who demolish them “.

12. Get rich by owning (physically) things

Hardly anyone in the history of the Forbes list got there because they have a high salary, but because they own things. Whether it’s companies, real estate, land, intellectual property.

“The best way to build things that increase in value quickly is to build the things people want at scale.”

13. If you want to compete, outdo yourself

Most people do what they do because they want to impress others. And they are wrong.

Once you have made enough money and achieved a satisfactory social status, this is the only force I know of that will continue to take you to ever higher levels of performance, compete with yourself.

“The most successful people I know are mostly self-driven, they compete with themselves, they do that to surprise themselves. And their ambition is to make something happen that will change humanity”.


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