Tensions (ready to explode) in the Ministry of Justice

Tensions (ready to explode) in the Ministry of Justice


The Via Arenula ministry is a powder keg ready to explode. The cause of all the tensions bears a very specific name and surname: Giusi Bartolozzi, deputy chief of staff of the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio

The Ministry of Justice is a powder keg ready to explode. The cause of all the tensions bears a well-defined name and surname: Giusi Bartolozzi, formally deputy chief of cabinet of the Keeper of the Seals Nordio, essentially the person who has centralized in his hands all the most important decisions that are the responsibility of the ministry. Enough to be defined by now the “Czarina of Via Arenula”. “In the ministry decisions are no longer made collectively, everything is centralized in her hands, she is in charge,” reports a ministry source, which brings us back to a reality that has remained hidden until now, largely even from Nordio himself. “All the decisions go through his table, even those already taken previously together by the heads of the offices”.

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