Tajani on the Forza Italia agreement with Le Pen and Adf: “Impossible”

Tajani on the Forza Italia agreement with Le Pen and Adf: "Impossible"


“I want to be very clear, I’m also vice president of the EPP: any agreement with the AfD and with Mrs. Le Pen’s party is impossible for us.” This was stated by Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani ad Agora Summer on Rai 3, “excluding” an agreement between Forza Italia and these parties. «The League is something quite different. We would be happy to have the League part of a majority, but without Le Pen and Alternative Fur Deutschland,” he added.
Today the meeting between the leader of the League, Salvini, and the leader of Rassemblement national, Marine Le Pen.

Meloni-Salvini, European challenge


Tajani: soon some significant entry in FI
«The future of FI is that of a large moderate force, we will be the center of Italian politics and we have an important role to play given that the Democratic Party is moving to the left. FI will be a point of reference for the disappointed also from the center of the centre-left, we are attractive. There will also be some significant entry in the coming days. Thus the coordinator of FI on the future of the party after the death of Silvio Berlusconi.

Tajani: isolate the violent, prevent the expansion of protests
We told the Italians in France “to follow the instructions of the forces of order and not to approach the areas of the clashes”. So the deputy prime minister and foreign minister, Antonio Tajani, in Agorà estate on Rai3, commenting on the violent clashes in France after the killing of 17-year-old Nahel in Naterre by a policeman. «We must prevent this situation from spreading like wildfire also in Belgium and Switzerland and the whole area of ​​the Francophonie, which is experiencing a moment of fibrillation. We need to isolate the violent and solve the problems with politics,” added Tajani.

Tajani on Somalia: working to end civil war and terrorism
In Somalia “we are working to end the season of civil war and terrorism”, even if “it is not easy”. This was stated by the deputy premier and minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation, Antonio Tajani, speaking at Agorà estate on Rai3. “The story of those who want to prevent stability in the country is not over,” said Tajani. Piracy towards Somalia “has lost power”, he added, recalling that Somalia “is fundamental for the stability of the Horn of Africa”.


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