Tajani liquidates the minimum wage: ‘It’s not necessary, we are not in the USSR’

Tajani liquidates the minimum wage: 'It's not necessary, we are not in the USSR'


“In Italy we don’t need the minimum wage. We need a rich salary, because we are not in the Soviet Union where everyone had the same salary”. The Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani liquidate the minimum wage during his speech at the Coldiretti Assembly. Words that come while in the Labor Committee of the Chamber, the oppositions take sides against the amendment of the majority which would abolish the pdl on the minimum wage. The commissioners present alternated their speeches with the intention of delaying the vote on the amendment itself as much as possible.

“On the legal minimum wage, that of the majority and the government is a petty attitude. In the method, because they choose to cancel the discussion of the opposition law proposal by presenting a suppressive amendment, but also in the merits given that there are millions of workers in Italy underpaid and the government has not put forward any proposal to tackle the issue of poor work – said, speaking in the Labor commission in the Chamber, the leader of the M5S in the XI commission Valentina Barzotti – Foreign Minister Tajani said that a ‘rich salary’ is needed, to be achieved through unspecified reforms. Does the government perhaps think that the Italians will get rich by abolishing the abuse of office, emptying the traffic of illicit influences or attacking pillars of the fight against the mafias such as external competition in mafia associations? Or with the one-off 380 euros of the social card? Let’s be serious. Setting a legal threshold of 9 euros gross per hour is extremely necessary: ​​more than 3.5 million workers, especially women, would benefit from it. Our battle will not stop here”, concluded Barzotti.

The national secretary of the Democratic Party makes itself heard from Brussels, Elly Schlein: “It is right that we talk about the minimum wage because the oppositions have managed to join forces. In the commission, the Democratic Party continues to defend the idea that poor work must be tackled: 3.5 million male and female workers, according to the ‘Istat, they are poor even if they work – comments the dem leader as she leaves the pre-EU-Celac socialist summit – The government of Giorgia Meloni it cannot turn its face away on a measure on which, moreover, polls say that there is a support of 75% of Italian men and women. Therefore, we will continue to fight and we will not give up an inch on this important proposal”. Even the president of the senators of the Democratic Party, Francesco Bocciacomments: “In

Parliament we will fight to defend the minimum wage proposal put forward by the opposition. It is unacceptable for the majority to present an amendment that wants to cancel it. The majority of Italians agree with a proposal that recognizes the dignity of work. In the South, one in four workers is below the 9 euro threshold and this is not acceptable. If the majority persists in its crazy design, it means that it has decided to ignore 3 and a half million underpaid and exploited workers”.


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