Surrogacy, Tajani: “The woman’s body is not an oven where potatoes are baked”

Surrogacy, Tajani: "The woman's body is not an oven where potatoes are baked"


UDINE. «You cannot exploit women: they are not cigarette machines. A woman’s uterus should not be used to churn out children as if it were an oven where roast potatoes are churn out.’ This was stated by Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani on the sidelines of a rally in Udine. “Women can’t decide on rented wombs – he added – you can’t commercialize your body. I reply to the EU Parliament that the rules are written in Italy: it is not a question of European competences. Parliament was not legislating, it gave a majority opinion: if you want to change the rules you have to change them in Italy».

«Being homophobic has nothing to do with it – Tajani specified – this is about having rules and respecting the rules. The surrogate uterus is an unacceptable choice whether it is used by a heterosexual or homosexual couple.”

In Italy, he added, «no child has ever been discriminated against, no child does not have his rights but we certainly cannot accept the principle of the surrogate womb. The woman’s body is sacred and must also be respected by women themselves. I would never allow myself to use another woman as if she were an oven, it’s not bad morally right. It is shameful to think that the uterus could be rented, that for money you buy a person’s body».

Salvini: children are not refrigerators
Words that follow what Matteo Salvini said a Radio Capital, speaking of the EU’s call to Italy to stop the registrations of rainbow families: «It is a political position taken by the left, which has the majority in the European Parliament, as well as for houses, cars, green refrigerators. It takes some common sense, obviously children are neither refrigerators nor cars. The uterus for rent, surrogacy, children purchased abroad and then brought to Italy cannot be the future as far as I’m concerned. We are working to facilitate adoptions. Opening up hypotheses with a surrogate uterus is immoral and far from reality.”


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