Salvini accuses the EU and China: “They want to impose electric cars on us, perhaps in Brussels they will find briefcases full of money from Beijing”

Salvini accuses the EU and China: "They want to impose electric cars on us, perhaps in Brussels they will find briefcases full of money from Beijing"


UDINE – The rally of Matthew Salvini in Piazza XX Settembre in Udine, at the end of the regional election campaign, it risks becoming a diplomatic case. The Minister of Infrastructure, Deputy Premier of the government and minister of weight, who is therefore entitled to speak on behalf of the executive, is discussing the government’s action and Italian priorities, when at a certain point he claims, with regard to green cars: “The Europe that wants to protect the environment cannot tie us hand and foot to the Chinese. Because the Europe that wants to impose electric cars on everyone is meaningless stuff, which gets fired in Italy and helps China. So what I doubt that, since the European Parliament found someone – coincidentally from the left – who had suitcases full of cash from Islamic countries, well, who knows if in a while they won’t find others full of cash arriving from China to vote certain laws that are anti-Italian, anti-European and only favor the overseas giant” (China, in reality, for Italy is obviously not overseas, ed). A very heavy passage, that of the deputy prime minister. Potentially able to open a diplomatic case. A reasoning that starts from the corruption investigations in the European Parliament, those of Qatargate, and which go so far as to call China and Chinese interests into question.


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