“Surrogacy has racist connotations. And mayors respect the rules on gay parents»- Corriere.it

“Surrogacy has racist connotations.  And mayors respect the rules on gay parents»- Corriere.it


The Minister of the Family, Eugenia Roccella, in Zona Bianca: “Homosexuals can be excellent parents, but the problem is how that child got there”

The Minister of the Family, Eugenia Roccellashe returned to talk about homosexual parents and pregnancy for others
during the transmission White Zoneon Network 4. And he did it by confirming her clear condemnation of the practice of surrogacy which has “racist connotations”.

«In surrogacy», said the minister, «there are two women: one gives the oocytes, the other is the real rented uterus who must meet other requirements such as having already given birth and being in good health. You choose who gives the oocyte through a sort of race selection: the woman must be tall, beautiful, blonde, generally from the East. A black woman’s egg costs much less than a white woman, with evidently racist connotations. The cost of the operation is very high, but a relative figure goes to women».

Roccella then addressed the issue of recognizing the children of homosexual couples (only some of which were born from the practice of surrogacy, which is used for about 90 percent by heterosexual couples).

«I am convinced», said the minister, «that even homosexual parents can be excellent parents. Being a good parent has nothing to do with sexual orientation. That’s not the problem: it’s how that son got there. The fact that two parents of the same sex cannot have a child but have to resort to certain practices, such as a rented uterus, is the sore point of the whole issue and one that we want to try to avoid. We talk about children, who have all the rights, not to mention the fundamental point, that is, the womb for rent ».

Faced with the question of whether the government excludes gay couples from the right to become parents, the minister replied: «The problem is: is there a right to become parents? I believe that there is a child’s right to have parents, if possible his parents, his mom and his dad. And if for some reason they are not there, there is an adoption to repair this damage. But we start from the right of the child, not from the right of the adult, and the right of the child is to have his mum and dad».

Therefore, for Roccella, the mayors must stop registering the birth of the children of same-parent couples. “It’s not the mayor who can do such a thing. We need a national law, and this has been indicated by the Court of Cassation».

March 26, 2023 (change March 26, 2023 | 19:48)


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