Sangiuliano: “In Rai there are still some little Stalins with fur hats”

Sangiuliano: "In Rai there are still some little Stalins with fur hats"


De-Stalinize Rai? “A few little Stalins still circulate in the corridors of viale Mazzini, there is still someone who goes around wearing a fur hat on their heads…”. The Minister of Culture says Gennaro Sangiulianospeaking on “Che tempo che fa” on Rai 3. Fabio Fazio he replied with a joke: “It will be for the air conditioning”.

Speaking on the gratuity of museums, the minister and former director of Tg2 said that “anything that is worth must be paid for”. And therefore, said Fazio, what does he say to Salvini who said to abolish the fee?”. Sangiuliano’s reply is ready, the Rai fee must be maintained: “The public service must exist and must be supported by a fee, but Rai it has the duty to be plural it cannot be only one side”. “I myself have suffered complaints – he added – as director I was attacked when I tried to give a different version on the origin of the virus. There are still hidden truths that cannot be expressed.”

Via the parties from Rai or is there easier life on Mars? “Life on Mars is easier,” the minister replied ironically. “There is no doubt that the Fosse Ardeatine were perpetrated by the Nazi-fascists, – he commented in relation to the controversies raised by the words of Prime Minister Meloni – the Nazis carried out that heinous and shameful action, but the fascists prepared the lists to lead to more those people. This is an incontrovertible historical truth.” But “it’s frankly unbearable that there are people with their little finger raised to exegese your words…”, he concluded.


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