Superbonus, the credit transfer platform: what it is and how it works

Superbonus, the credit transfer platform: what it is and how it works


ROME. Final tightening on the superbonus amendments: the vote has been postponed to 7 pm. “We tend to be optimistic”, says the president of the Commission Marco Osnato (FdI), explaining that “unfortunately there was a delay in the analysis of the Accounting Department but now everything seems to be concluded . The reformulations have arrived, a couple are missing».

To save sales and invoice discounts relating to expenses made in 2022, a reformulated amendment by the rapporteur, Andrea de Bertoldi (FdI), allows those who have not concluded the transfer agreement by the deadline of Friday 31 March to notify the Revenue Agency with the «remission in bonis»: or, by 30 November, paying a fine of 250 euros. A solution to prevent hundreds of millions of euros from going up in smoke on the basis of a deadline that had been set by the latest Milleproroghe decree.

Superbonus, banks and post offices put a piece in and reopen to the purchase of credits

Luca Monticelli

Among the news there may be longer times for deductions: “Up to twenty years” announced Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti. «The Superbonus, with the other building bonuses, has cost public finance 117 billion to date – he said -. It is important to support construction and continue to do so, but within the framework of sustainable public finance”.


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