Humanitas Rozzano, woman who died after surgery to lose weight

Humanitas Rozzano, woman who died after surgery to lose weight


MILAN. The weight loss surgery seemed to have gone well. But then at her home AG her, a 28-year-old girl, began to experience discomfort and severe pain in her abdomen. So strong that her parents on March 19 took her to the emergency room at the Humanitas clinic in Rozzano. The same hospital where she had been operated on with the insertion of a gastric bypass and she was discharged eleven days earlier without problems. The girl was immediately operated on and admitted to intensive care, but her situation worsened until her death forty-eight hours later, on 21 March.

The complaint
The case, reported on 24 March by family members to the Carabinieri of Oleggio (Novara), was informed by the prosecutor in Milan, responsible for the area. A complaint in which the parents ask to know the causes that took their daughter away. As per practice, a manslaughter file has been opened against unknown persons. Among the urgent acts, the magistrate delegated to the soldiers of Rozzano to seize the girl’s medical records.

The investigation
The investigation has already been reassigned to the “Protection of health, the environment and work” department, coordinated by the additional prosecutor Tiziana Siciliano. Among the investigations, including the autopsy on the girl’s body, it will be necessary to clarify whether her death occurred due to complications related to the first surgery or the emergency one. And it is possibly to understand if there have been any faults attributable to the medical staff.

The condolences
“Humanitas expresses deep condolences to the family members for the disappearance of the young woman – reads a note from the health facility -. The patient, who underwent surgery, had been discharged from the hospital in full health on 8 March 2023. On the 19th she was admitted to the emergency room in critical condition, subjected to resuscitation and then admitted to intensive care, unfortunately without being able to resolve the complicated clinical situation.


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