Superbonus and credit transfer, the new conditions: from Intesa to the Post Office, what changes

Superbonus and credit transfer, the new conditions: from Intesa to the Post Office, what changes


Superbonus, the restart of credit transfers

Credit transfers: we start again. The first signs of the banks’ return to the building subsidy business only concern problem loans deriving from transactions invoiced in 2022 but it is likely that in the coming weeks something will start to move also for this year’s activities. To open the dances Unicredit, which only buys credits deriving from invoice discounts and therefore from craftsmen and professionals. The bank accepts applications for amounts greater than 10,000 and less than 600,000 euros provided that the person assigning the credit is in possession of all the documentation required during the preliminary investigation, with sworn statements, certificates and approval of conformity for all types of intervention ( therefore also for those of free construction for which sworn statements would not be mandatory) as well as the univocal code provided for by the legislation. The operation takes place through the subsidiary Esb, a financial vehicle which will securitise the receivables and resell them. We recall that the regulations in force provide that only the first transfer can take place in favor of private individuals or non-financial companies but leave the banks the possibility of transferring the assets acquired to their professional customers.
Look at the infographic on how much you can get with the subsidies for every 100 euros spent


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