Superbonus 110 latest news, the government is trying to release 15 billion

Superbonus 110 latest news, the government is trying to release 15 billion


Forza Italia had announced the “barricades” to defend the construction sector and “essential changes” to change the decree that puts a tombstone on the transfer of tax credits. After two days of the attack, with Silvio Berlusconi’s loyalists criticizing the line of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, it is precisely the Cavaliere who intervenes to tone down: «My point of view, as a statesman and of economics, is that the government’s path to avoid damage to the state budget, which could even lead us to a default situation, is justified and perhaps inevitable”. In a message on social media, the leader of Forza Italia recalls that the Superbonus is “a measure adopted by the Conte government, the government of indistinct bonuses in rain, subject to continuous changes and interpretations that have caused a climate of constant uncertainty for businesses”. Companies, underlines Berlusconi, which are “in turmoil like our groups in the House and Senate”, but now it will be up to Parliament to discuss the decree and, “where it deems it appropriate, make useful changes”.

Superbonus, the alarm from Piedmontese builders: “The future of 2500 companies is at risk”

maurizio tropiano

In short, the Azzurri’s line now coincides with Prime Minister Meloni who says she is looking for solutions “to avoid the collapse of thousands of companies and put everything on a sensible track”. Despite the criticisms of the categories, the Prime Minister defends the provision: “There have been many scams, around nine billion euros”. It was necessary to put an embankment, she adds, otherwise there would have been no more money for the next Budget Law «because the cost of credits has reached 105 billion euros, the Superbonus cost every Italian two thousand euros. When the state spends, nothing is free “, says Meloni speaking in streaming on social networks during his column “Notes of Giorgia”.

At 17 the table at Palazzo Chigi with the associations of companies in the construction sector

This afternoon at 17 the table will be held at Palazzo Chigi with the associations of companies in the building sector. The undersecretary Alfredo Mantovano, the Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, his deputy Maurizio Leo, the director of the Revenue Agency Ernesto Maria Ruffini and the ministers Adolfo Urso and Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, respectively from the Department of Enterprise and the Environment.

The executive’s goal now is to unblock the 15 billion old stranded tax credits, which he estimates could be even higher. To appease the wrath of companies, in revolt against the decree that blocks the discount on invoices, the priority is to reactivate the credit market that has already been frozen for months, thus helping companies in a liquidity crisis. The intention is to involve Cassa depositi e prestiti and Sace in this operation, which together with the ABI will meet the government half an hour before the appointment set with the categories.

The spider web of building bonuses: 71.7 billion spent with the Superbonus

Brothers of Italy has launched the proposal to securitize the accumulated credits: these illiquid assets would be packaged in a financial product, then placed on the market. Hypothesis that does not seem to convince the Treasury technicians: securitizations, in fact, bring to mind that shadow banking system, that creative finance at the basis of the subprime mortgage crisis. Instead, the road that the government seems to want to take is the one traced by the idea of ​​Abi and Ance, i.e. paying the F24 of taxes by offsetting them with credits in the belly of the banks. However, we have to wait for the deficit data that Istat will officially communicate on March 1st. If, as it seems, the weight of tax credits from building bonuses will be loaded entirely on the deficit for 2021 and 2022, then this year the fiscal space needed by the banks could be granted to start buying credits again, perhaps with the help of CDP and Sace.

“We need a quick solution”, hopes the president of Ance Federica Brancaccio, who raises the alarm: “There is a liquidity crisis that risks causing thousands of businesses to go bankrupt and blowing up the great opportunity represented by the Pnrr”. “No changes to the legislative decree that blocks sales and discounts on the invoice for building bonuses, superbonus in the lead, but there is a willingness to “listen” to the financial subjects and business categories involved,” government sources tell Adnkronos.

The political clash between Fdi and the opposition

«That the PD congress is being reduced to a race not on two different visions of Italian society, but on who smoothes the fur more to the 5 Stars, interests us up to a certain point. Instead, what is important is that every argument becomes good for the Democratic Party to attack the Meloni government – ​​comments Tommaso Foti, group leader of the Brothers of Italy in the Chamber – except then having to collect sensational denials from the mouths of qualified exponents of that political area. On the decision taken by the executive relating to the Superbonus, in fact, first the European Commissioner Gentiloni freezes Piddini’s fiery boiling, recalling that the EU has never suggested an instrument such as the transfer of tax credits, with the public finance dynamics that this has triggered. Then it is Carlo Cottarelli who defines the 110 measure as too generous and expensive for the state coffers and who shares the contents of the decree law approved by the Meloni government. The masquerade ball of the Democratic Party on the building bonus affair occurs during the carnival: is that a clue? «The superbonus costs too much, Giorgia Meloni tells us. We agree. The point then would be to keep it only for the lowest incomes and for buildings with greater need for energy efficiency – says the head of the economy of the Italian Left Giovanni Paglia -. What is the right-wing government doing instead? It abolishes the transfer of credit and therefore leaves the superbonus in place only for the richest. This is the truth and it is unacceptable.” «The one on the Superbonus has become a speech without content by the oppositions, especially by the Democratic Party which has ceased to have its own identity for some time. But if the staunch defense of measures clashes with the authoritative opinions of European Commissioner Gentiloni or Carlo Cottarelli, not from our area, for whom the persistence of the same cause has repercussions on public finances, perhaps Piddini and company should ask themselves some questions and stop telling was free to grab votes. Instead, they should say that it is a law that costs 2,000 per citizen and destroys past and future budgets» replies Manlio Messina of Fdi. «The Meloni government is forced to plug the chasm opened by the M5s and the Pd on the Superbonus. The oppositions, which are now ranting against the executive, in order to win votes, should make amends for the disaster caused: the budget of the facade bonus is over 90 billion in spending and 50 in the hole. Those who promised free renovations during the electoral campaign didn’t tell the truth: it costs 2,000 euros for each citizen. Now who pays? We ask the Pd and 5stelle for the bill ».


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