Stellantis-ministry-union table: Urso, resources also from Pnrr review

Stellantis-ministry-union table: Urso, resources also from Pnrr review


The government’s goal is to raise national car production to 1 million compared to the 470 thousand produced per year (770 thousand by counting commercial vehicles) and for this reason the Minister of Business and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso works on a protocol that should see the light in days, an agreement shared with the Stellantis group that should serve as a bridge to manage the current transition phase, support on the automotive chain, in view of the passage to the passage to the electrical engine. 5.

After meeting CEO Carlos Tavares and then the presidents of the Regions where the group’s plants are located (who will return to Mimit again the day after tomorrow to continue fine-tuning the agreements) today it was the turn of the confederal trade unions and the representatives of the metalworkers. Present at Palazzo Piacentini, among others, were the general secretaries of CGIL, CISL and UIL, Maurizio Landini, Luigi Sbarra and Pier Paolo Bombardieri, and the confederal secretaries of Fiom, Fim, CISL and UILM Michele De Palma, Roberto Benaglia and Rocco Palombella.

The unions, in particular, are asking for an industrial plan for Italy, with details of production for each plant. Among the nodes to be addressed also the blocking of the Euro 7 engine, the introduction of social shock absorbers for the transition and the use of the 5 billion allocated for the automotive sector in favor of the reconversion of all the activities in the supply chain. At the end, Minister Urso explained that it is the government’s intention to also use the resources that could come from the review of the chapters of the RepowerEu Pnrr, which should take place by 30 August to support the automotive supply chain. «We – he added – believe that we need to reverse the trend and not resign ourselves to industrial decay. It can be done, it is the turning point because there is a government that believes in the nation Italy in work in national production because there is a government that finally wants to implement a clear and significant assertive industrial policy». In his opinion, it is a question of “aligning Italian industrial policy with the European one and with the resources that can be deployed. This applies to the automotive dossier, to the Italian car industry but also applies to other fields. And it is our firm intention to create the best conditions for our country to make Italy the ideal countries in which to invest in the relocation of global production systems on the European continent”.

Quite positive feedback from the unions with many requests for clarification, however. “It was an important but half-hearted confrontation: what is still missing is the company, which must commit itself to the government that gives it the money, and the unions” commented Landini at the end. “We reminded the government that while the United States is in its second gigafactory, while in Italy we are still making a commitment to the first, which has not been fixed – he added – therefore it is clear that we need to move from talk to deeds and in fact it means making very specific commitments”.
In turn, Sbarra explained that “the Government is right to speak seriously with Stellantis to acquire guarantees on industrial investments in Italy in the context of ecological transition and environmental sustainability”. So the CISL secretary said he was “available for a structured and stringent discussion for a triangular agreement between the government, the company and the unions whose central point is the strengthening of production capacity, new car models in our country, growth, quality and stability of employment in all Italian plants, greater investments in innovation and research, training of skills, strong support for related industries, to avoid losing jobs and professionalism”.
The agreement between the government and Stellantis is also positive for Bombardieri “but a discussion with the company on an industrial level is needed, while the government must clearly state what resources it intends to deploy”. Even the leader of Uil then asked «to have a discussion with Stellantis on an industrial level, on employment levels, on the models that will be produced in Italy and, obviously, also on the factories and related industries. Instead, we ask the Government to understand how many resources it puts in, to do what and with what conditions ».


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