State property numbers: 130 new works in two years, redevelopment for 19.9 billion

State property numbers: 130 new works in two years, redevelopment for 19.9 billion


ROME. Transform large disused real estate complexes into citadels and poles of justice, public offices, university residences, schools, research centers to return redeveloped buildings and areas to the Public Administration, territories and citizens with a view to urban regeneration and economic sustainability, social and environmental. This is the vision with which the Agenzia del Demanio manages 43,000 properties for a value of 62.5 billion euros. “Our goal is to invest in interventions that bring concrete results in economic, social and environmental terms”, explains the director of the Agency Alessandra dal Verme who presented the Annual Report today in the Sala della Regina of Montecitorio. In particular, adds Dal Verme, the Agency is committed to “increasing the value of the real estate assets, reducing spending for the State, aiming at generating induced effects on the development of the country, returning better and more functional spaces to the community , making buildings autonomous from an energy point of view, safer from a structural point of view and from seismic risk, resilient to climate change. In line with this vision – adds dal Verme – the Industrial Strategic Plan, the first of a public economic body, proves to be a fundamental tool for planning and analysis, also through predictive models and specific indicators to measure the results of the activities, considering the current context, the factors of change and the objectives of the Pnrr and the RePower Eu”.

The strategic industrial plan of the Agency envisages investments of 5.5 billion euros by 2026, of which 2.1 billion to be implemented and 3.4 billion euros to start up, redeveloping at least 5 million square meters of buildings, according to a approach based on three pillars: centrality of users, innovation and digitization, sustainability. The expected increase in the value of assets and associated activities in the area is estimated at 2.2 billion and 2.3 billion respectively.

According to the data referring to the stipulated agreements, to date a total of 529 interventions have been launched for 3.6 billion euros, of which 181 in the North for a value of 1.2 billion euros, 169 in the Center for a value of over one billion and 179 in the South for a value of 1.3 billion. The acceleration of the redevelopment process led to a strong growth in the number of interventions (+ 130) in June 2023 compared to the same month of 2021, with an 84% increase in the value of investments, equal to +1.9 billion of Euro. In terms of cost reduction for the State, in 2022 compared to the previous year, a saving was obtained for passive leases and operating costs of around 30 million euros per year which, as a result of the investment plan, is expected to reach around 126 million euros in the five-year period 2022-2026.

The new management model considers the quality and completeness of data, the digitization of maintenance and life cycle control processes of the regenerated property, the interoperability of digital platforms, the scheduling and monitoring of interventions to be essential for planning. From an organizational point of view, for the governance of these processes, the State Property Agency has created two new Central Departments, the Digital Transformation Department and the Design Structure, committed to the development and efficiency in identifying and investment planning, but also to provide technical support to central administrations and local authorities.

An innovation laboratory has also been set up, the Workshop for the regeneration of public buildings, which connects universities, research bodies, centers of expertise for the drafting of guidelines and the creation of prototypes for safety and the resilience of the property, from applied technology to predictive models. The instructions for sustainable design and for the functions of the building were therefore prepared, with specific indications for the drafting of planning guidelines in the calls for tenders and indicators for the analysis of environmental impacts, which will be verified during implementation. “The State Property Agency, thanks to government guidelines and strong inter-institutional collaboration, is committed to protecting, improving and enhancing public buildings to make them modern, safe and available for this and future generations. It is our duty to prevent the asset from ending up in a situation of abandonment, by seeking useful and economically advantageous solutions – concludes dal Verme -. Dialogue with the territories and with all the stakeholders helps to identify the right destination for disused buildings, such as university residences, co-housing and the creation of energy communities”.


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