Small businesses are affected by the demographic crisis. The alarm of Confartigianato

Small businesses are affected by the demographic crisis.  The alarm of Confartigianato


An aging population, unbalanced skills compared to other countries, a young brain drain. To revitalize the business system, start with the school system by planning the skills in which to invest

The demographic crisis is one of the crucial issues for the future of Italy: the progressive aging of the population combined with the constant falling birth rate represent a phenomenon which sees our country with the oldest population in the entire European Union. At this rate, Italy’s economic and social stability and its ability to compete on an equal footing with other Western and non-Western countries is undermined. The consequences of the demographic crisis are in fact reflected on the business system with the decline in the workforce and the difficulty of finding qualified young people to whom to pass on the precious “know-how” that made Italy great.

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