Silvio Berlusconi and Milan, love and no

Silvio Berlusconi and Milan, love and no


The hateful image of the “Brianzolo” entrepreneur, his all-round Milaneseness. A part of the Milanese upper class has always detested Silvio Berlusconi. Luckily the Milanese followed him

Signs many. The non-relationship that Enrico Cuccia flaunted towards him (in the sancta sanctorum of the good living rooms, Mediobanca, Fininvest only entered in 2007 and the first of the family to sit on the board of directors was Marina Berlusconi). Bad relations with the big names in Confindustria, balanced by the excellent relationship with small businesses and the artisan world. The long (mutual) distrust of Piazza Affari. The snobbish ostracism of the Milanese intellectual class – publishers, journalists, magistrates, various academia who had already detested Bettino Craxi – towards the upstart, the television man, that is, of bad taste.

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