Schlein’s first leadership and the first dissenting opinions in the Pd

Schlein's first leadership and the first dissenting opinions in the Pd


All day, doors closed except for new secretary Elly Schlein’s report. It is the first direction of the new course and the secretary lists priorities and objectives, from the Pnrr to work to the climate to migrants to electoral deadlines (with excursus on dialogue “without vetoes” with the rest of the opposition). An apparent calm reigns at the Nazarene: the will in every corner of the party in fact seems, at the moment, to remain united, also given the polls and the victory of the centre-left in Udine. But the calm appearance hides, in perspective, the concern of the reformist dem for possible future deviations towards the left-leftthe unease of Catholics and the desire, in the less Schleinian dem, for the secretary to prove truly inclusive.

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