Schlein’s crush on Ukraine

Schlein's crush on Ukraine


The head of delegation in Brussels, Brando Benifei, had just tried to clarify, with little effect, the mess of the tripartite vote of the Pd (10 yes, 4 abstentions and one no) on the ASAP regulation for the production of ammunition by saying that the Pd is without any doubtful in favor of military aid to Ukraine, that Elly Schlein has decided to deal another blow to the party’s shaky foreign policy credibility. In the reshuffling of the charges, thethe secretariat has decided to remove Piero De Luca from the position of vice president of the group in the Chamber. There is certainly an element of family-political hostility, in the sense that Schlein is engaged in a tug of war against the third term of his father, Vincenzo De Luca, as president of the Campania region. And it is a completely legitimate choice. Nor is it a big problem that De Luca jr. and an exponent close to former defense minister Lorenzo Guerini, who is the most aligned in the party in favor of supporting Ukraine.

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