Former Tuscan president Rossi: “I am against surrogacy. Schlein, listen to us”

Former Tuscan president Rossi: "I am against surrogacy. Schlein, listen to us"


“A mass party needs to approach divisive issues with caution, also listening to Catholic sensitivities. We must not lend ourselves to the trap of the right”, says the former governor of Tuscany

Is secretary Schlein in favor of surrogacy? In my opinion she is wrong and I do not share her position at all. Thus the Democratic Party risks a slip not only in merit but also in method. Far more serious than color harmony. We need a clear-cut, unambiguous position”. An exponent of the Democratic Party who came out defeated in the gazebos in the last primaries doesn’t say it, a Bonaccinian who keeps his face, is obstructing just for the sake of it. But someone like the former president of Tuscany Enrico Rossi, who Schlein supported in February, shared the air of renewal, the political platform. Rossi is not a moderate whatsoever, he comes from the PCI, not from the Catholic tradition. Yet on gestation for others he has an opinion that couldn’t be more crystalline: “I am absolutely against it because I believe we cannot make instrumental use of the woman’s body”, he explains to Foglio. “It does not escape me that the right, with the legislative decree to punish the crime at a universal level, has posed the question in an equally instrumental way. Nonetheless, we have a duty to reiterate that it is an ethically unacceptable practice, otherwise we will be crushed. Because the right to be a parent does not extend beyond all limits. And I agree with the French feminist movement when it says that at a certain point a line has to be drawn”.

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