Scaroni tells us how Italy can turn the gas map upside down

Scaroni tells us how Italy can turn the gas map upside down


“North Africa is the way to not open another dependency on American LNG”, says the former CEO of ENI. And about the possibility of doing without Russia, he confirms the forecast for the winter of 2024-2025

“Faced with the energy crisis, Italy has a tool that no other country can boast: Eni. Which is also our trump card in Africa ”, he speaks to Il Foglio Paul Scaroni, deputy chairman of Rothschild & Co., formerly at the helm of the Italian giants Eni and Enel. “Our oil company is the first hydrocarbon operator on the African continent. Germany does not have a German Eni, nor does Austria or the Czech Republic. We have a trump card that is even more relevant if we consider our geographical location, in the middle of the Mediterranean, with a pipeline network that already today connects Europe with North Africa”.

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