More equitable healthcare and a councilor who takes care of EU funds

More equitable healthcare and a councilor who takes care of EU funds


“I know of your distrust. But it will be understood what things we believe in: because without growth and development, the fight against inequalities cannot be done”. Pierfrancesco Majorino, candidate of the left, aims directly at a radical change in the Region, placing himself as the only possible interlocutor for change: “If you want to leave things as they are – he explains – you have two candidates to choose from”.

Industrial policy is a priority issue for Majorino and it includes, among other things, the proposal of an ad hoc councilor to take care of intercepting EU funds in the best possible way, a new leaner territorial government plan, the digitization of structures. Necessary breakthrough in Healthcare (“high quality but fallen to its knees, with unacceptable waiting lists”), as well as in transport (“we will overturn Trenord”).

Research, public transport and the right to study will receive new funds while start-ups will have three years of Irap exemption. Autonomy, if it can work in some areas, should instead be rejected in others, primarily in the school (“insult to common sense”). «We are bearers of change – he concludes – and we want to keep the region in step with those who do business. Woe to anyone who talks about happy degrowth: on the contrary, what is needed is greater speed ».


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