Sardinia, the future of the mines and the stop to the occupation in Silius

Sardinia, the future of the mines and the stop to the occupation in Silius


The protest at a depth of 600 meters, in the mine that is about to reopen, has ended. In Silius, in Gerrei, 50 kilometers from Cagliari, after 36 hours underground the miners left the occupation of the wells of Genna Tres Montis. Now we look to the future, strengthened by an agreement reached in the Region which avoids transfers and establishes the payment of salaries for June.

From public to private

The whole story revolves around the mining site and its management. To ensure the functioning and safety of the entire area, where production has been stopped for some time, was the regional company Igea which took over from the various companies that over the years have alternated in management and industrial activity. After numerous disputes, the entrance of Igea which acquired the concession and the personnel. Then the request of a private company, Mineraria Gerrei, with an industrial project that aims to reactivate the extraction of fluorite, galena (from which lead is obtained) and other precious minerals particularly in demand on the market. In recent days, the green light has been given to grant the concession to the new company and therefore the process for the transfer of responsibilities from Igea to Mineraria Gerrei.

A difficult transition

It was precisely this fact that led to the protest of the miners. Because, for the employees of Igea, transfers to other sites have taken place. “Not only that – says Giampiero Manca, of the Filctem secretariat of Cagliari – the company has not paid the salary for June and furthermore there has been no way to speak with the new subject”. Then, after the appeals to the Region, the protest with the occupation of the wells. And mediation during the meeting between the Region, trade unions and private company. At the end of the confrontation which lasted two and a half hours, a meeting point.


Via the transfers to Lula and immediate payment of back wages. At the end of the summit in the Region, the assembly in the mine with the secretaries of Filctem, Femca and Uiltec and the decision to interrupt the protest and reach the surface. “It is a commitment that currently satisfies our requests and secures the work and dignity of all the workers who have been working in that mine for almost thirty years – the trade unionists underline -, the Region has undertaken to urge Igea so that they are salaries paid without further delays. During the meeting, “interlocutions with the company were also initiated – underline the unions – but it was not possible to close an agreement which, we hope will be reached as soon as possible”.

Fluorite and galena in the 4.0 mine

Now the handover with the new route to the mining site which for decades has ensured the production of fluorite, as well as galena and quartz. To reactivate the first fluorite mine in Italy, considered one of the most important deposits in Europe, 40 million euros will be invested over 4 years. The hiring of 100 direct workers and a yearly production of 70,000 tonnes of fluorite and 6,500 of galena to be allocated to the metallurgical market and to that of new generation batteries is expected. In the tunnels and shafts that go up to half a kilometer deep, there will be cutting-edge technology under the banner of the industry 4.0 programme.


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