Salvini’s tribe. Double and triple assignments. Lombardy as a metaphor for the crisis of the League

Salvini's tribe.  Double and triple assignments.  Lombardy as a metaphor for the crisis of the League


Parties begin to die like this. They die when instead of the Moon they start promising collaboration contracts. Parties die when a leader is allowed to put his feet on the table. The League in Lombardy, where he has his heart, is dying surrounded by his loved ones. A tribe of relatives distributes assignments, accumulates them, nominates, rewards, commissions, commissions the commissioner. In Cologno Monzese, the Northern League mayor was made to resign by another Northern League member. Who do you think they awarded? Who smashed a junta or who led it? In Milan, the joint leader of the League is also a collaborator in the region. So is his partner. Why would a militant leaflet for this tribe party?

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