Salvini wins in Cutro. What is not included in the decree on migrants

Salvini wins in Cutro.  What is not included in the decree on migrants


Nothing changes in terms of chain of command. The mistakes that led to the death of 72 people in the Cutro shipwreck remain without political and organizational countermeasures. Stricter penalties for smugglers, but difficult to apply. Close to special protection. Meanwhile, 1,300 land on Lampedusa

In Cutro the League wins and the expected compromise between an iron fist and the regularization of the flows of migrants comes out much more attenuated by yesterday’s chaotic Council of Ministers. In the pre CDM draft, circulated yesterday morning before the meeting in Calabria, the only item that hinted at an organic and innovative intervention was the one that it enhanced monitoring of the sea and placed the coordination of rescue activities in the hands of the Navy, and therefore the Defence. But in the evening, that norm disappears from the final text unanimously approved by the government. The minister Matteo Salvini gets the excerpthe who in 2018 had obtained centralize the responsibilities for relief efforts at the Ministry of the Interior. Nothing changes, therefore, in terms of chain of command and paradoxically this is the element that passes from yesterday’s CDM and which most closely concerns the Cutro massacre. The errors – and perhaps the crimes, but the investigators will verify this – which led to the death of 72 people and leaving dozens more missing at sea remain without political and organizational countermeasures. Meloni’s surrender on the point is summarized by an alleged explicit request, made during the day, by the defense minister himself, Guido Crosetto, who, according to the premier, would have spontaneously taken a step back. Anything to appease the wrath of Salvini and his gods.

But beyond the theme of rescues at sea, very little remains. He will remember the Council of Ministers of Cutro the only indirect “retouch” to the highly contested Bossi-Fini law, the least significant. That is thefurther tightening of the sentence for the notorious smugglerswho are at risk now up to 30 years of imprisonment for those who will be held responsible for shipwrecks causing the death of those on board. “We will hunt down these criminals throughout the globe”, is Meloni’s promise which however is a candidate to remain symbolic, almost as much as the marble plaque left in Cutro and commissioned by the government, with the words of condemnation of the Pope carved on it against human traffickers.

Net of the media resonance, there are many problems on this point. At a press conference yesterday, the Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio, said that an expansion of Italian jurisdiction is being created to challenge a crime committed by a foreigner (the smuggler) against other foreigners (migrants) in international waters. A so-called “universal” crime, which however requires that the “boat is directed towards the Italian coast”Nordio specified. A difficult condition to establish with certainty if we are talking about a boat in the open sea. But that is enough to divert general attention to the hunt for the culprit. No reference to that the smugglers – to whom the standard is addressed – they never coincide with the traffickers – to which the Pope was addressing instead: the former are the labourers, often against their will, of the latter, who go unpunished in their homeland. To confirm that the smugglers, with their “parables” (Rampelli dixit), hardly follow the updates of the Italian Penal Code is the fact that while Meloni was in Cutro, 1,300 people landed in Lampedusa. Numbers that portend the worst for the months to come.

The victory of the Salvinian line, however, takes shape above all in the voice of welcome. If the vast majority of those who died on the coast of Cutro were people fleeing countries such as Afghanistan and Iran, the government has decided to respond further limiting the granting of special protectionthe one that allows asylum seekers, who did not have the characteristics to obtain either refugee status or subsidiary protection, to obtain a residence permit because they risked being subjected to persecution in their country of origin for reasons of race, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership of a social group. “Its case had been greatly expanded: the government’s intention is to abolish it and replace it with a common sense rule that corresponds to the relevant European legislation,” Meloni said yesterday. A measure that seems to be dictated precisely by the Northern League soul of the government and it is precisely on this point that, in all likelihood, what Salvini defined as the integration of some aspects of the Security decrees into the new Cutro provision took place.

The Bossi-Fini law, the true Gordian knot of Italian migration policy, remains intact
. Beyond a three-year extension of the flows decree, so far updated year by year, little remains. The “Rampelli line” is asserting itself, the one made up of migrants “who have parables” and who therefore can be dissuaded by their respective states of departure on the dangers of “illegal journeys” to Italy. And therefore, the text of the decree provides for the granting of permits for those who have obtained a training diploma organized by our Ministry of Labour, but only if the authorities of the state of departure have engaged in media campaigns to dissuade migrants from leave for Italy.

To the repatriation chapterthe government – ​​as announced – decides to speed up practices “for the performance of the procedures” by authorizing new derogations from the tender specifications. A way to build more return centers faster but with less administrative controls.

Finally, in the decree, a reference to the fight against agromafias. The text envisages the assignment of the role of agents or police officers to the staff of the Central Inspectorate for the protection of quality and the prevention of fraud in agro-food products. This is the control body of the Ministry of Agriculture which until now was responsible for repressing fraud relating to agri-food products and technical means used in agriculture. The doubt arises as to how the responsibilities of a body that until yesterday was responsible for controlling feed, seeds, fertilizers will be articulated and plant protection products and which, according to the decree, should be in the forefront against illegal hiring.

  • Luca Gambardella

  • I was born in Latina in 1985. Sicilian blood. To forget Littoria, I fled to Venice to play at being a sailor at the “Morosini” military school. Degree in International and Diplomatic Sciences in Gorizia. I lived in Damascus to study Arabic. A couple of traineeships at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and at the European Parliament, enough to understand that I had to do something else. In 2012, I went to Egypt and started writing about the Middle East and immigration as a freelance. I have been working at since 2014


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