Salvini “the sober” in Termini after the stabbing. “We will hire a thousand vigilantes”

Salvini "the sober" in Termini after the stabbing.  "We will hire a thousand vigilantes"


The minister at the station in the capital to present a survey on the perception of safety in the railway yards maintains a calm tone, announces jobs and even acknowledges: “The zero crime rate does not exist”. It is now unrecognizable

That the posture has taken a new, institutional, almost serious turn can even be understood from the clothing. Long gone are the days when crime was fought in police hoodies. Of course, although transferred from the Interior Ministry to Porta Pia, Matteo Salvini, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure, still manages to deal with security. But to do so inside the railway yards, the Northern League secretary does not wear a train chief’s uniform, but a simple grisaille. He’s sober, very distant from the times of the yellow-green government. He even goes so far as to say something that would once have been heresy: “Attention, the zero crime rate does not exist, even in stations there will always be muggings and assaults”.

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