Brothers of Italy now fears Mattarella. The Meloni Japan model top

Brothers of Italy now fears Mattarella.  The Meloni Japan model top


They think it but they don’t say it. They could say it wrong. The leaders of FdI, men very close to Giorgia Meloni, believe that “the participation of the President of the Republic in the Sanremo Festival is a grammar”. They fear that the president’s future interventions, and they are not excluded, have the aim of “bringing FdI back to obedience, putting us in line”. The premier’s political-financial project is very similar to that pursued by Japan: to make itself self-sufficient, buy back its public debt, immunize itself from external pressures, “emancipate itself from Europe”. The idea can be discussed but it is their idea, an idea destined to compete with Mattarella. It is the guarantor that FdI is beginning to fear just as Berlusconi once feared Giorgio Napolitano. For Meloni’s party, the role of the president is evolving and his celebrity is that of a “pop star”. It’s Mattarellaz.

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