Salvini: «Me at the Viminale? I’ll do what it takes. ” Today I manage Fdi with Meloni

Salvini: «Me at the Viminale?  I'll do what it takes. "  Today I manage Fdi with Meloni



Giorgia Meloni continues to work on the government team and today brings together for the first time after the political elections the national leadership of the Brothers of Italy. On the Lega front, the Federal Council has given Salvini a full mandate. Interior, Reforms and Autonomy, Agriculture and Infrastructure are the key ministries that the Northern League is aiming for. The Northern League leader: flat tax and Fornero stop fundamentals

Government, Meloni aims to close by 20 October
  • Today I manage Fdi with Meloni

    Giorgia Meloni continues to work on the construction of the new government with an eye to the international situation and to that of energy. It is expected that he will hold political meetings in Montecitorio, and today he will start a reflection with his party in the first meeting of the Fdi executive after the elections on 25 September. Yesterday the leader of Fdi with the Minister of Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani addressed the energy dossier and took stock of the dynamics under discussion in Europe to contain the price of energy. Even at Palazzo Chigi the activity does not stop.

  • Government: Salvini, flat tax and Fornero stop fundamental

    “Unblocking construction sites, restoring safety in the cities, extending the flat tax up to 100 thousand euros in turnover, canceling the Fornero law once and for all” and “applying autonomy will be fundamental steps”. But “now the women and men of the League work day and night to block the increases in electricity and gas.” Lega leader Matteo Salvini said this at the end of the federal council.

  • Salvini, me at the Viminale? I’ll do what it takes

    “I’ll do what it takes for the country.” Thus, according to what is learned from parliamentary sources, the secretary of the League, Matteo Salvini, would have commented on the many interventions of those who, during the Federale, asked him to aim for the leadership of the Interior Ministry


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