Salvini and the double competition with Meloni. One road leads to growth, the other to irrelevance

Salvini and the double competition with Meloni.  One road leads to growth, the other to irrelevance


Influencer or leader? With Le Pen or with Europe? On the one hand, the Northern League leader tries to take the party away from the Papeete season, on the other he tries to present himself on the public scene as the sole guardian of lost sovereignty

When a solid majority is faced with a weak opposition it often happens that the most effective opposition ultimately arises more within the majority than within the opposition. With the Meloni government, the situation today is more or less this. And eight months after the birth of the executive, it can be said that the most insidious opposition encountered so far by the prime minister on her path has been the one built more by Matteo Salvini’s League than by Elly Schlein’s Pd.

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