“Salvini and Meloni leave their European allies on the street. Yes to a new running board”. Speak Cattaneo (FI)

“Salvini and Meloni leave their European allies on the street.  Yes to a new running board”.  Speak Cattaneo (FI)


“If the Lega and the Brothers of Italy have center-right unity at heart, let pragmatism prevail over ideology, approaching the EPP”, says the deputy coordinator of Forza Italia

It is too important for the Italian centre-right to remain united. Even at the cost of losing some old friendships in Europe along the way. Because just like in Italy, pragmatism and government culture must also count in Brussels more than the ideological positions of the past”. The deputy and deputy coordinator of Forza Italia Alexander Cattaneo he knows what the coalition that governs the country needs to try to make a change in the next European elections: “It is clear that for us Alternative for Germany remains inadmissible, just as both Le Pen and Meloni’s Polish and Hungarian allies pose great problems for us. But I have great confidence in the path that the Lega and Fratelli d’Italia are taking to approach the EPP, which remains and will remain the pillar of the European centre-right”.

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