Rome stepmother. Thus Schlein deals with local hitches

Rome stepmother.  Thus Schlein deals with local hitches


The new secretary of the Pd Elly Schlein obtained more than expected consensus also in Rome (69.13 percent against 30.87 percent for Bonaccini). But this does not mean that Rome is easy ground for her, on the contrary. It is no coincidence that last Sunday on “Che tempo che fa” in Fabio Fazio’s living room on Rai3, Schlein, when asked about the waste-to-energy plant (to which mayor Roberto Gualtieri looks), answered without answering the merits: “We will deal with the our local administrators based on the work they are doing everywhere. Surely on some issues we will ask for greater commitment “. Greater commitment, yes, but in an environmentalist key: this is how the secretary’s words were read in the PD minority.

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