Rocca goes to Meloni and announces: “Arrived on Friday, I will keep my health care”

Rocca goes to Meloni and announces: "Arrived on Friday, I will keep my health care"


Respect gender equality, guarantee the territorial representation of all the provinces, weigh the proxies. All this satisfying all parties. There is no doubt that composing a junta for the centre-right is a complicated mission. The search for a balance calibrated to the millimetre. And in fact it will also take today to close the team who together with the new governor Francesco Rocca will have to deal with Lazio for the next five years. The former president of the Red Cross went to Palazzo Chigi last night to meet the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. “The junta will be launched by Friday”, he told reporters who intercepted him outside. Then, after the meeting, the announcement: “I’ll keep the Healthcare”.

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