Reversal of the Senate on the study that disavows autonomy: “It was a draft”. But she is stormy

Reversal of the Senate on the study that disavows autonomy: "It was a draft".  But she is stormy


It was a “tentative draft, not yet verified”. Palazzo Madama reverses and “apologies to the press and users for the disservice caused”, for the publication of a post on the Senate’s LinkedIn page which spoke of “critical issues” in the bill on the minister’s autonomy Robert Calderoli. The storm, however, had already unleashed and it is to be imagined that the clarification will not make it appease. On the contrary. The oppositions immediately launched into the matter, which risks, among other things, opening a front of tension in the majority, between the Fdi and the Carroccio. “There is no denying, today is really a black day for the government, in particular for Minister Calderoli and for all the dangerous autonomist ambitions of the League”, underlines in fact Alessandra Majorino, vice president of the M5s group of Palazzo Madama and pentastellato group leader in Constitutional Affairs Commissions. And he points out that “the heart of the criticisms of the technicians of Palazzo Madama consists in the unsustainability of the plant, because it fails to hold together the aspiration of an increase in tax revenue, by the regions that ask for the transfer of more functions, and the need to guarantee, and therefore finance, the essential levels of services in all the other Regions”. He also intervenes on the pentastellato front Robert Fig: “This reform – he says – is a danger to the unity of the country, damage to the entire community and a tool that will only create problems for the northern regions. The m5s will be in the front line to counter it”

The study published on the Senate’s LinkedIn, “certifies what we have been denouncing for months”, he declares Marco Furfaroresponsible for the fight against inequalities and welfare in the Pd secretariat and group leader in the Social Affairs commission of the Chamber: “The inevitable increase in inequalities and the weakening of essential services, from health to education. If differentiated autonomy were to pass, the State it will no longer be able to guarantee fundamental rights throughout the national territory and especially in regions with low levels of tax accrued in its own territory. The danger of this project by Minister Calderoli is now there for all to see and for this reason it must be stopped immediately”.

“If the word that the Budget Service of Palazzo Madama Usa as the title of its analysis is ‘cost’ it means that there would be territories and citizens who would pay a very high price in terms of services”, says the president of the dem senators, Francesco Boccia. AND Marco Saracinodeputy and responsible for South and Cohesion of the national Pd secretariat, warns: “It would be serious if a little hand had requested the withdrawal of a document from a state organ. And it would be even worse if a process of normalization of the technical structures had started, who, as is known, carry out their work with great professionalism and impartiality”.


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