“Responsibility”, “No, little courage”. On the Def Meloni and Pd exchange roles

"Responsibility", "No, little courage".  On the Def Meloni and Pd exchange roles


The government spends everything possible, the opposition calls for spending even the impossible. “Prudence” and “ambition” are a vice or a virtue depending on the parts in the comedy: thus the premier takes the place of Draghi and Schlein’s Pd that of FdI

We are always there, the government tries to spend everything possible while the opposition calls for spending even more. The first claims “responsibility” and the second denounces the lack of “courage”. And when roles are reversed, roles are reversed in comedy. But in the current economic context, made up of uncertainty about energy prices, a slowdown in global growth, a reduction in the purchases of securities by the ECB and a rise in interest rates, for a country with a high public debt like Italy (which travels quickly towards 100 billion of interest expense in 2026), the caution of the Def is certainly a virtue. “The prudence of this document is responsible ambition”, as the Economy Minister said Giancarlo Giorgetti.

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