Renzi in Metropolis: “On the Mes the government risks getting hurt. I crutch? There is already the M5S”

Renzi in Metropolis: “On the Mes the government risks getting hurt.  I crutch?  There is already the M5S”


“On the Mes they really risk getting hurt”, he predicts Matthew Renzi, guest of Metropolis, the web talk of the Gedi group. The leader of Italia Viva does not believe in the prime minister’s “personal reasons” for which the last CDM would have been postponed. “The truth is that they didn’t agree on the Mes, the rest is fluff. What are they doing on the Mes? Do they change their mind and lose face or do they keep the same idea and lose their EU anchor? It’s the first time the government has a real node. They must clarify each other and these 5 days of postponement I think are quite unusual in the history of Italian politics”. The point, adds the former prime minister, is the role of the Minister of Economy, who with the head of the cabinet sent the Chamber a positive opinion on the European Stability Mechanism, despite the opposition of Matthew Salvini and of Giorgia Meloni. “This majority hasn’t had a hitch in 9 months, but now it’s slowly starting to have some. I say: don’t look at Santanchè, don’t look at Pini but look at Giorgetti”.

The internal crunches on the right were also seen during the votes in the Senate on the Labor decree. “Claudius Lotito he has given a signal – Renzi is convinced – he is decisive in the Finance Committee and given that he is working on something, he has made his weight count. But what a birthday party, as he said Russia, we don’t have a nose ring”. Iv however, claims the former premier, will not be the crutch of the executive: “But what crutch, they have a spare car in the M5S who think exactly like Salvini on the Mes”. For Renzi, the opposition also has problems: “We have gone from the photo of Vasto to the lemonade of Campobasso, in my opinion it will have the same effect. It won’t go well. In Molise Schlein will take a scappola”.


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