Renewables, EIB loan of 50 million for plants in Italy

Renewables, EIB loan of 50 million for plants in Italy


The European Investment Bank (EIB) has granted a 50 million euro loan to the Turin-based company Asja Ambiente Italia to co-finance the construction of nine photovoltaic and wind farms in Basilicata, Campania, Sardinia and Sicily. They are expected to be operational by 2027 and will have a total capacity of 238 MWp, generating overall around 460 GWh of energy per year.

250 million project

The EIB loan is part of a total investment of around 250 million euros for the construction, specifically, of two wind farms in Basilicata and Campania, the repowering of a wind farm in Sicily, and six photovoltaic projects located in Basilicata, Sicily and Sardinia. The EIB loan is supported by a guarantee from InvestEU, the European Union investment program which aims to activate investments of 272 billion euros by 2027 thanks to an initial guarantee of 26.2 billion.

Towards the transition

“Transactions such as the one signed with Asja demonstrate the EIB’s strong commitment to the production of renewable energy to contribute to the fight against climate change and the objectives of the Green Deal”, commented the institute’s vice president Gelsomina Vigliotti: “The EIB, as the European Union’s climate bank, it supports the Commission’s RepowerEU plan, committing to invest an additional 30 billion over the next five years with the aim of activating investments of over 115 billion to promote the energy transition and end European dependence from Russian fossil fuels.

The Commissioner for the Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, added: «Accelerating the green transition across Europe is a top priority. This project is an excellent example of InvestEU’s potential to accelerate our green transition. I am delighted that, with this agreement, InvestEU will help harness the wind and sun in Basilicata, Sardinia and Sicily to provide clean, renewable energy to thousands of households in Italy.”

5 million CO2 less

Agostino Re Rebaudengo, president of Asja Ambiente Italia, underlined: «Asja will be able to build and manage new renewable plants with increasingly sustainable technological solutions. Thanks to EIB funding, we will build new wind and photovoltaic plants that will allow us to produce the needs of 190,000 equivalent households each year and avoid the dispersion of five million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere over the next 20 years”.


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