Milleproroghe, clash on bathing establishments. Oppositions on the attack: “Reliefs from Accounting”. Garavaglia: “There is no coverage problem”. Ciriani: “There will be no changes”

Milleproroghe, clash on bathing establishments.  Oppositions on the attack: "Reliefs from Accounting".  Garavaglia: "There is no coverage problem".  Ciriani: "There will be no changes"


MILAN – New clash during the exam of Milleproroghe decree on the node bathing. The session in the Senate was suspended in the afternoon at the request of the minister for relations with the Parliament Luca Ciriani. From the government – said the president of the Senate Ignatius LaRussa – there was a request “for an hour’s stop to verify the nature of some of the amendments tabled and possibly present another one”. However, Ciriani himself then returned to the Chamber to report that, after a check, it was clarified that “there is no need to change anything else” and President La Russa closed the matter: “We have evaluated whether to change and the minister he told us that he decided to confirm and do nothing. Everything seems transparent and clear to me”.

Bathing, the two fronts of the government. Clash with Europe and Municipalities

by Valentina Conte

The oppositions: “Remarks from the Accounting Office on the amendments”

Let’s rewind the tape of the story. At the news of the request to suspend the Chamber, the oppositions of Palazzo Madama denounced that the decision would have been linked to the opinion of the General State Accounting Office, in relation to the measure on seaside resorts. “In the Chamber there was a question and answer between Romeo and Ciriani, we believe that the issue is that the Accounting Department is asking questions about the seaside resorts”, reported the oppositions on the sidelines of the work in the Senate Chamber on the Milleproroghe decree. To speak for the Democratic Party Daniel missingfor the Third Pole Raffaella Paita And Silvia Fregolent and the former minister M5s Stephen Patuanelli. “They’ve made a mess – Manca accuses – that look like electoral fraud”. “It was clear – says Patuanelli – that beyond the possible infringement there is also a lower revenue from the fees so it is clear that the new measure provides for financial profiles”.

On the seaside resorts, the mayors are beating cash: “Certain rules and a share on the fees”

by Rosaria Amato

Ciriani: “There will be no changes”

However, Minister Ciriani himself then returned to the Chamber to assure that “there will be no other further changes, there is no need to change anything else”. “I had asked for a suspension – he recalled – to check if there was a need for more in-depth analysis of some amendments and if there was the possibility of adding other amendments. But after checking, it emerged that there is no need to change anything else nor will we add other texts or amendments despite the requests received”.

Reassurances that have not reassured the opposition, which indeed have released an unprecedented unitary note. “The oppositions consider these omissions to be a serious gap in terms of transparency and ask that the risks associated with possible European infringements and the associated greater burdens for the State and citizens be specified during the discussion, that the technical opinion of the Accounting Office be acquired on the point and that the Government reports on the compatibility of the law (on bathing establishments, ed), in the current formulation, with respect to the commitments undertaken by the Government in the Pnrr on the part relating to competition”, reads the document signed by the group leaders of Pd, M5s, Iv-Azione, Autonomie and Avs.

Theme to which the president of the Senate Finance Commission, the Northern League Massimo Garavaglia, replied in turn: he explained that “the technical report will be in the transition phase. The MEF intervened in the Budget Commission, giving the opinion and therefore not c ‘is a coverage issue; moreover, the legislation in force does not change. So the coverage issue does not arise”.


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