Rebel against the full powers of prosecutors by fighting crimes that are too vague

Rebel against the full powers of prosecutors by fighting crimes that are too vague


The external competition, the abuse of office, the trafficking of influence or crimes against public safety: for the assault prosecutors they become useful tools for disposing of their powers in a discretionary way, making use more of theorems than of the facts. Political responsibilities

The past week has been mainly dominated by political reactions to words pronounced by Minister Nordio on the subject of the external competition. You know the story. Nordio said what he thinks about the external competition: “An evanescent crime that should be reviewed”. He added that the reform of this crime is in no way foreseen within the government programme. One of the majority parties (the League) made it known (to mark a distance from Meloni) that the crime of external competition should not be touched (something that Nordio never said he wanted to do). Another party (Forza Italia) has instead said (to try to settle the battles over the guarantee of the government) that external competition is effectively too evanescent a crime (and also the head of Forza Italia, Antonio Tajani, in the end he had to say that it is not a topic on the agenda). AND finally, the prime minister, head of the party to which Nordio belongs, was forced to say that the words of her minister, an old rascal, are the words of a magistratethus suggesting that Nordio should speak only in his new capacity, which is that of the minister, not the magistrate and not even that of the editorialist of the Messenger.

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